Adriana Penich
Fashion Designer
Contact: AdrianaKpen@yahoo.com



...making my eyes water! Such a brilliant collection! Such an Italian-ass, pasta-eating, wine-sipping, dripping in fashion, collection. It may not be the most main stream type of collection but it sure as hell made me excited about fashion. After all, clothes are meant to be fun and exciting as well as practical and wearable. These guys always keep the "fashion" element to their clothes distinct and on point with trends. Basket corset dresses, Italian art printed fabric, fruit and food, potato sacks, Lord have mercy on their fingers.
Tis all

Dolce & Gabana Spring 2013

above photos from here



dark dark dark, cant help myself!

no excuse, just havent posted.

My recent work, personal projects that I photographed and styled on my two very beautiful friends. Some are edited, but most are untouched.Enjoy!
(All photos and content belong to Adriana Penich, if used please state when obtained ) thanks ! xo